Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Best Phones of 2012

Leaving the iPhone 5 aside, it's been a pretty good year for the rest of the Smartphone's. We've taken a look at the best of the class of 2012.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

The rather huge Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is certainly a stand-out handset. It's half phone, half tablet and it's got an abundance of pen features that make it one of the most memorable phones of this year. It's certainly not for everyone but if you're after a phone to play your video media then the Note is certainly noteworthy. Its oversized screen is backed up by its impressive processing power and it's even got a microSD slot, so you can add to the phone's on-board storage with up to 64GB worth of additional space. Overall there's a lot to admire about the Note, it comes down to how ridiculous you are willing to look whilst making a call.

Nokia Lumia 920

This Windows 8 phone was an impressive return to form from Nokia; it boasted a 1280 x 768 4.5 inch screen, a 1.5GHZ dual-core processor and 32GB of built-in storage. It also had the handy addition of wireless charging and it featured Nokia's impressive augmented reality which works together well to provide you with additional information when you're using the maps app. Overall, there's very little to dislike about this Windows 8 phone; it incorporates the new operating system's touch input seamlessly and it helps that it isn't a bad looking phone either.

Samsung Galaxy S III

Samsung certainly know their way around a Smartphone. The Galaxy S III is their flagship model and they certainly went to town on it. Released back in April, the phone has got a huge display and the power to back it up. The Galaxy's sleek design is easy on the eye and encases the 4.8 inch Super Amoled display which boasts a 1280 x 720 pixel resolution with a highly impressive pixel density of 305 pixels per inch. The vibrant colours come to life when you play your video media and the handset is aided by Samsung's smart user in interface.

Google Nexus 4

Google's rather staggering bargain should probably take home the prize for the phone of 2012, unfortunately due to demand a lot of people are struggling to get their hands on the Nexus. Those who have managed to get hold of one have seen that the phone is a fantastic bit of kit. On board is a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro Chipset that's backed up by 2GB of RAM - making it incredibly powerful for its low price. It runs the latest offering from Android; 4.2 Jelly Bean and has an excellent display. Even if the iPhone 5 was included in this list, the Nexus would still stand a good chance of beating it.

The Best Phones of 2012

Leaving the iPhone 5 aside, it's been a pretty good year for the rest of the Smartphone's. We've taken a look at the best of the class of 2012.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

The rather huge Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is certainly a stand-out handset. It's half phone, half tablet and it's got an abundance of pen features that make it one of the most memorable phones of this year. It's certainly not for everyone but if you're after a phone to play your video media then the Note is certainly noteworthy. Its oversized screen is backed up by its impressive processing power and it's even got a microSD slot, so you can add to the phone's on-board storage with up to 64GB worth of additional space. Overall there's a lot to admire about the Note, it comes down to how ridiculous you are willing to look whilst making a call.

Nokia Lumia 920

This Windows 8 phone was an impressive return to form from Nokia; it boasted a 1280 x 768 4.5 inch screen, a 1.5GHZ dual-core processor and 32GB of built-in storage. It also had the handy addition of wireless charging and it featured Nokia's impressive augmented reality which works together well to provide you with additional information when you're using the maps app. Overall, there's very little to dislike about this Windows 8 phone; it incorporates the new operating system's touch input seamlessly and it helps that it isn't a bad looking phone either.

Samsung Galaxy S III

Samsung certainly know their way around a Smartphone. The Galaxy S III is their flagship model and they certainly went to town on it. Released back in April, the phone has got a huge display and the power to back it up. The Galaxy's sleek design is easy on the eye and encases the 4.8 inch Super Amoled display which boasts a 1280 x 720 pixel resolution with a highly impressive pixel density of 305 pixels per inch. The vibrant colours come to life when you play your video media and the handset is aided by Samsung's smart user in interface.

Google Nexus 4

Google's rather staggering bargain should probably take home the prize for the phone of 2012, unfortunately due to demand a lot of people are struggling to get their hands on the Nexus. Those who have managed to get hold of one have seen that the phone is a fantastic bit of kit. On board is a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro Chipset that's backed up by 2GB of RAM - making it incredibly powerful for its low price. It runs the latest offering from Android; 4.2 Jelly Bean and has an excellent display. Even if the iPhone 5 was included in this list, the Nexus would still stand a good chance of beating it.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The HTC 8S

Another Windows 8 phone courtesy of HTC

December 28th 2012
OK so the HTC 8S isn't anywhere near HTC's flagship Windows 8 device (the 8X) but it's still got a lot to offer, we've taken a closer look at the latest entry level Windows 8 offering from HTC.
Since the advent of the Smartphone HTC have gone from strength to strength; quickly overtaking companies such as Blackberry and Sony to establish themselves as one of the major players in the Smartphone market.
The 8S sits somewhere between the low and mid range devices and is available on contracts from around £17 per month or you could buy the handset for £230 without a SIM.
So, what do you get in return for your money? Well the answer appears to be that you'll get yourself very little stand-out features. The screen measures up at 4 inches and offers a fairly pedestrian 800x400 pixels when it comes to resolution. It's certainly not going to win any awards, but for the price bracket that it falls into, it's not too bad.
Elsewhere the phone performs fairly well; it's got a dual-core 1 GHz S4 processor with 512 MB of RAM and 4GB of internal storage. That storage may not sound like an awful lot but the phone handily has a micro SD card slot meaning that you can boost the 8S storage if you purchase yourself a microSD card.
If you're a fan of HTC devices then you'll be pleased to learn that the 8S comes with HTC's bevy of widgets which compliment the all new Windows 8 touch interface. One feature that really stands out on Windows 8 phones is the people hub where you are able to take a peek at all your contacts along with their various social media feeds - never miss a friend's update again!

Onto the battery; the 8S has a 1,700mAh sealed battery which will give you a decent days worth of usage, Windows 8 phones come with a battery saving mode which prolongs battery life when you're not using your handset so you should be able to extend the phone's usage if need be.
One thing that the 8S has got in its favour is that it's certainly a stylish phone, the build quality is more than decent and although there are plenty of features missing that you might find in a higher end device, there's still a lot going for the 8S, and it's attractive price means that it could be the perfect Smartphone for you if you're looking for an introduction to Windows 8.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Six BlackBerry 10 Phones On Their Way

The once mighty Smartphone company is looking to bounce back with a bang in 2013.
January 10th 2013
BlackBerry certainly aren't doing things by halves, rather than testing the waters by releasing one or two handsets on their all new BlackBerry 10 operating system, they have promised that six BlackBerry's could be on the way in 2013.
FierceWireless managed to nab an interview with the head of marketing over at Research in Motion (the company that build Blackberrys) and the suggestion was that six all new BlackBerry 10 devices will be heading into stores in 2013 and will be available at a range of prices.
It seems that BlackBerry are looking to start from scratch and release a whole new range of phones that they hope will draw customers back to them. The range is likely to have two or three lower range models with the same amount of mid range ones and one high end device which will be the BlackBerry 10 flagship model.
BlackBerry have got a lot riding on the new operating system; in recent years they've fallen behind Android and the iPhone and the new models will have to have enough about them to lure back customers looking for an effective work phone as-well as trying to appeal to the teen market.
It's also been stated that BlackBerry 10 will have 70,000 apps upon launch and this will include a fairly impressive 90 per cent of the top 600 apps on rival platforms - so it doesn't look like you'll be missing out on your favourite apps if you choose to decide to make the change from your current handset.
Despite BlackBerry's move to an operating system with touch input they're not quite ready to give up on the traditional keyboard, out of the two phones that are launching at the end of this month one will sport a keyboard while the other will be the first glimpse of a complete touchscreen phone from BlackBerry.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Google Nexus 4 Sequel On The Way

January 15th 2013
The Nexus 4 was one of the runaway success stories of last year with thousands of units being quickly snapped up, so much so in-fact that the suppliers struggled to meet the demand. With Google combining high end specifications with a low price they created nothing short of a staggering bargain.
If anybody was going to craft a phone that managed to show off the various virtues of Android it was the operating systems creator, now though it looks like Google will be looking to cash in while the goings good and bring out a sequel.
These rumours come via the International Business Times who have reported that the company responsible for building the Nexus 4, LG, has now halted their production of the phone to make way for a sequel, they go on to report that LG have dropped quite a few hints that point towards the fact that the Nexus 4 merely marks the start of their partnership with Google and that the two companies will go on to develop several Smartphones together.
Many are speculating that whenever the new Nexus comes along, it will arrive to hand in hand with the new version of Android, Key Lime Pie and it will come with an improved 2GHz processor.
It was particularly telling that LG chose not to launch any phones at CES, stating instead that they would be doing a major launch in February - whether or not we will be seeing a new Nexus then remains to be seen, and if one does come along just what model with it be.
If you've been one of the lucky few to get hold of a Nexus 4 then you will have been in the minority, poor stock levels have plagued the otherwise excellent phone and despite the Nexus 4 being released in November, it's very rarely been in stock, perhaps a new Nexus may help Google move on. Whenever the new Nexus is released, it's certain to be one to keep an eye on.

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Acer Aspire S7

Acer have released a good looking, slimmed-down laptop, but can the insides match up to its appearance?
January 16th 2013
Windows 8 is pretty much everywhere now; new tablets, laptops and phones are constantly being released with each one attempting to offer something unique when it comes to the touch input orientated operating system. 2013 could be a massive year for Windows 8 as it looks to gain customers in the tablet and phone market, so Acer are now looking to grab a slice of the Windows 8 pie with the Aspire S7, a laptop that takes advantage of the operating systems touch input by offering up a touch-screen display.
The good looks of the Aspire S7 don't come cheap; its 11.9mm of thickness and shiny white finish will set you back a whopping £1500.
Under the bonnet you'll find some rather pedestrian specifications for the hefty price tag, there's 4GB of RAM as-well as an Intel Core i7 processor, which would be highly impressive if the price was a little lower. It doesn't mean that the Aspire S7 will generate anything less than a powerful performance, but for £1500 you'd be inclined to expect something a little bit special.

The Aspire's main selling point has to be the 13 inch touch-screen, it really brings Windows 8 to life and finding your way through the tiled apps of the Windows 8 is a breeze. The screen has a Full HD resolution of 1920x1080 which sets it apart from a number of similarly sized machines, although so does the price. There's certainly no scrimping on the screen anywhere; the rich, bright and bold colours make the Acer an excellent choice for watching your high definition content.
Let's take a look at the connectivity of the Acer Aspire S7, you'll find two USB 3.0 ports, an SD card slot a standard headphone jack and a micro-HDMI port so connecting your various devices shouldn't be a problem. In terms of storage there's a decent amount; the Acer offers up a 256GB solid state drive.

More than anything the Acer is about looks, it measures up at 323mm wide and 224mm deep and weighs in at just under 1.3KG which is on the light side. It's all about the 11.9mm thickness though, by being that slim, the Acer really has something to shout about.
Overall the Aspire is probably let down by its price point, its power and performance doesn't really match up to the £1500 price tag but if we were going on looks alone, then it would certainly be worth the money. The touchscreen is a big bonus and the laptop enables you to get the full Windows 8 experience but if you're considering the Aspire S7 then you'd be wise to take a long look at whether the specs will be good enough for all your needs.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sony to Launch New Flagship Phone in 2013

Can Sony hit back at Apple and Samsung?
Sony have been doing some pretty decent work over the last few years with their mid-range Smartphones. Being the major company that they are however, they are not satisfied with the fact that when it comes to the high-end of the Smartphone market, they have fallen behind Apple and Samsung.
So far there's nothing apart from rumours as to what the design of the new phone will look like and the handset is rumoured to be called the Sony Xperia Odin C650X.
The suggested insides of the Odin certainly make for some impressive reading; it's expected that Sony will be offering up the device with 1080p resolution at 440 pixels per inch. The screen has to be the biggest talking point - it's believed to measure 5 inches; once you couple a 5 inch display with the 1080p resolution then you have one of the best displays available. If rumours are correct then it will be powered by a 1.5GHz quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro Processor, which should mean that the phone will be no slouch.
It's also expected that the phone will have 2GB of RAM on board and an impressive 32GB of internal storage as-well as a decent 13 Megapixel rear-facing camera.
Of course all these details are merely rumours at this point but the news does suggest that Sony want to move on from their Xperia T handset which benefited from being the 'Bond phone' after its partnership with the latest 007 movie Skyfall. Despite the Bond boost however, the Xperia T has so far failed to make any great dent on Apple and Samsung's Smartphone supremacy.
It seems that we will have to wait until January to see what Sony have in store, the flagship device is rumoured to be launching in Las Vegas at the annual technology event CES.
Sony are also closely monitoring the success of the new Windows 8 phones and they may look to branch out from Android in the near future.
Will 2013 be the year that Sony hits back at Samsung and Apple and takes a bigger slice of the Smartphone market, or is it just too late? We'll keep you updated of any developments and will certainly be taking a closer look at the Odin when it launches